​Philip S Smith
Welcome to the 4 in 5
Written, performed and (sort of) produced by Philip S Smith
Recorded & co-produced by Horst Puschmann
With Alex and Tamlan
Songs were written and recorded over the period when I was doing my Ph.D in the chemical chrystallography group at Durham University (2001-2005). It's quite a mixed bag, really: I'm still very fond of the first 5 tracks, though I think the quality and/or silly nature of the last 4 is, perhaps, questionable. Still, it is what it is.
All recordings were made by Horst Puschmann, via a video recording device and then transfered to a computer for the edit & mix (Because Caroline Told Me To is mostly recorded digitally straight to hard drive). As a result, these songs are not nearly as neat or carfully crafted as the later recordings. The result is a rough and gritty sound, slightly uneven volumes, more drum-heavy than I would mix now... oh yes, and I recorded my voice, WHICH I HATE.
It was mostly done with a beer or Ouzo (or whatever) in hand, and is probably best enjoyed in a similar frame of mind...