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Ludd Owl


80's Hair-metal, complete with non-sense lyrics. Nietzsche would not be impressed, methinks...   

Vocals: Tamlan 


I was listening to some old Metallica and Megadeth records and I got all nostalgic for 80's big hair metal: rusty chainsaw guitars, over-loud bass, whimsical lyrics about mythical things, and long - really, pointlessly long - guitar solos. So with that in mind, I set about putting together a song that had all these ridiculous features, and was a proper metal track - which is quite hard to do when you're recording everything on your own in a room.


The lyrics are inspired by the computer game "Bloodbowl" which is a bit like American Football but with orks, vampires and the like... and a whole lot of violence. So essentially the song is about nothing at all, but you could probably convince yourself that it had something to do with the win-at-all-costs, completely-unethical life of some dodgy businessman, company executive or military despot. Or at least you might if you were 14 years old. The title was Tamlan's idea, and I have no idea what it's supposed to mean, which fits the lyrics, I guess.


As is so often the case, thanks to Gareth Millwood for useful discussions.



And it's part a game, and it's part a fight.

When the crushing bones, is the guiding light.

The aggressive move, is the hammer blow.

Bully of the team, take your place and throw your fist...


And the weak must fall, or the soul is cursed.

Take the will-to-power, past your brother's hearse.

Beat your sisters man, to become the king.

Foul the players all, touching down to win...

     Win the game you play, it's the only way

     To get your satisfaction, to be the victor in your mind.


And it ain't a game, 'cos it's just a fight.

When your bones are crushed, bleeding down and out.

Think the way you played: beating, blocking and sin.

Left you licking wounds, down cursing, you never win...

     ...Win the game you play, it's the only way,

     To get your satisfaction, to be the victor in your mind.




Is the shark going to attack and defeat you? Only the strong can be allowed to win! 

Philip S Smith 2015

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