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Fat Man Sweat


A light hearted look at being unemployed and looking for work. Certainly the first song I listen to after being told that “on this occasion...”


Lyrics & Vocals by Tamlan Dipper

Aditional Vocals by Chris Couldrick 

Ever been fired from your job? Spent some time writing job applications and doing interviews only to be rejected? Well, I’ve recorded a song just for you! A light hearted look at being out of work and going through the soul destroying process of looking, writing, interviewing and being told “…on this occasion” 


Tamlan wrote the lyrics while listening to some old-school 12 bar blues, I converted it into a rock song and added a few bit’s a pieces to the music. Chris came in while we were finishing the main recordings and was totally up for knocking back some finest rum while doing a pretty awesome job of shouting “FAT MAN SWEAT” into the microphone (yes, I know he’s a bit to close to the mic on some of the shouts - I don’t care…). 


Hope you enjoy it as much as we did in the recording session - like many of my recordings, that may require a quarter bottle of hard liquor!


Philip S Smith 2015

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